Make this your Best Lent Yet!
Here are some opportunities to make the most of Lent this year.
ASH WEDNESDAY is February 17
Mass with the distribution of ashes will be celebrated at 6:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Ashes will be sprinkled on the head of each person.
Click here to learn more about this COVID-19 adaptation.

DAILY MASS will be celebrated during Lent on Fridays at Noon in the church begining February 19.
Evening Prayer and Stations of the Cross 
will be celebrated every Friday during Lent at 6 p.m.
starting February 19
Can’t attend in person?
Click here for a virtual Stations of the Cross

Reconciliation is offered every Saturday during Lent from 4pm-5pm at Sacred Heart.
Catholic Relief Services Operation Rice Bowl
One way to participate is by cooking the recipes one day each week and donating the money you saved by not eating out to CRS Operation Rice Bowl. Click here for more information.

Order the Magnificat for Lent
Daily reflections and more accompany you and loved ones throughout Lent. Generous bulk rates enable you to share with family and friends.

Sign up for the BEST LENT EVER
What is the BEST LENT EVER?
It’s a free email program from Dynamic Catholic that will guide you on an incredible 40-day journey to become the-best-version-of-yourself, making this a truly life-changing Lent.

Adult Confirmation
Are you an adult who was baptized a Catholic, received your First Reconciliation and First Eucharist, but was never Confirmed? If so contact Amy Woods. An adult Confirmation group is forming. This group will meet during Lent. Adults will then celebrate Confirmation during the Easter Season. 
Contact Amy Woods at 625-6763 or 
to learn more and to sign up.